Originally Answered: What are the most important lessons you have learned in your career?
- Work as little as you can to do the job you were hired to do.
- Companies don’t give a shit about you. You are there to help them make money. Spend time on learning the skills you need to excel at any job, not just the one you are at now.
- Don’t shit where you eat. If you’re having sex with someone you are working with it’s a matter of time before it goes south.
- Stay clear of HR. The worst, most petty people in any company. They aren’t your friends.
- Your boss will make or break your job. When you’re given an in-person interview request that your immediate supervisor is present. If you don’t like your (immediate) boss, run.
- Everything is negotiable. If you’re skilled and know what you’re worth then don’t take a dime less than that number.
- Max your 401K out regardless of what your salary is. Time passes quickly.
- The Pareto Principle exists at every company you’ll ever work at. Become the 20% and you’ll always have a job. Once you establish who the 80% are, ignore them, they will only end up adding work to your plate.
- If you don’t like your job work constantly at finding another one. Being miserable at work influences everything you do.
- Getting fired is no big deal. If it happens, just move on, you’re probably better off.

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