
Wednesday, 13 November 2019

#2 Chapter 2: could not to lose a job even tho it is just a stepping stone.

WARNING: Dear unsuspecting visitor, 

My aim is not to offend. I am but a struggling, suffering still trying very hard Protestant Christian (of the Assembly of God) denomination.

All I pathetically want to do is share a bit of advice but mainly a couple of non-judgmental and ranting-venting-crapping. And yes, a whole motherload of off-loading. 

I do not want revenge or wish to hold any grudges against any person(s) or corporation or company or establishment or religious cult or organisation or political party or government or country or alien. But I will not hide their name(s). Whether it's Trump, Najis, Roastma, Thatcher, Hitler, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Beethoven, Swift, Black Pink, or even the infamous diamond koo. They will be named. If you are a sensitive wimp like 'you know who' ... tough. 


Because this blog is meant for me, myself and I. So please do not even try to sue me (because I do not know any brutal liars, I mean lawyers). 

bakarmerah is solely for me (did I say just mention me? that geeky, douchebag, jerk? that wimpy diamond koo koo cheow?). 

bakarmerah is meant to rid my, uneducated, uncouth yet innocent, brain from all that filth (also known as shit) stirring inside. I do not wish to explode on innocent bystanders, like my dogs MoMo n Bibi n Gary. And my cats Kooky and Amberly. Or my kois Prince, Princess and Queenie.

Or my sons Niloc, Hsu Wei (one more I forgot his name liao) and Jo Shua. Or my daughters Su Yin, Su Ting, Amanda and Kiki. 

bakarmerah is to bakar all that burning kotoran away, okaay?

I do guarantee you, gentle reader, that there will be tons of swear words in Hokkien, Thai, Cantonese, Malay, Mandarin and, of course, the Queen's language: English. I will not do translation now (too lazy, sudah tua; you go google them yourself, eh sai boh?). There will fuck loads of lahs, mehs, one, and Penang Hokkien-Malay slang.


So, please DO NOT READ after this sentence.

LAST warning.

If you insist to read on ... sorry lah, I oredi tai sang lei chor.   

Part 1 ended with: Then I applied again.

On 15 July 2013, I was hired to be The Sun's Executive Sub Executive (on a contract basis until 14 July 2014).

High falutin sounding title that but they had to beg me to lower my expectations regarding the salary.

Beg? Hey, I was the beggar lah. So I just took whatever they said they were willing to pay (and this was a multi-billion media company of the multi-trillionaire 
Tan Sri DatoSeri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun). 

I was offered MYR3,000.

I was confirmed on the 15th of December, 2013.

Now it gets a little boring, but for the record, let me just record it. Remember this is only for my benefit just in case my sweet darling dotter wishes to know how her loser papa has enjoyed (high drama eh?) being kicked around the workplace.  

Here goes nothing then:

A contract was made on 15th July 2013. 4.1 states that the appointee's gross employment fee shall be Ringgit Malaysia Three Thousand (RM3,000.00) per month. My 2013 bonus was RM2,795 and was warned not to disclose the amount. 

On 12th July 2014, my salary was increased by RM500.00

On 15th December 2014, after my appraisal by the Chief Sub, the Management advised that my salary had increased to RM3,750. In addition, I was paid a bonus RM7,000.

15th December 2015 I was awarded 2 months' bonus of RM7,500. The next year it was only one month's bonus of RM4,000.

15th July 2016, my gross employment salary had increased to RM4,000.

On 1st August 2017, my contract was renewed again, this time for two years. My monthly salary was RM4,250.

By 2018 I had already accumulated a whole shit load of leave (days) so the Management requested me to take a month or two of leave.

THAT was my Waterloo.

"Why you so busy body? Who asked you to take care of the company's property" 

(to be continued)

"I'm firing you because ... because I don't like the colour of your eyes"
After a year (2019) of mindlessly, painfully applying for all kinds of positions totally not in my skill set I finally landed a job as an Assistant to an Animal Vetinerarian (end of October and I was to start on the first of the next month).

November 1 eventually arrived. 

Aaah first day at work. Wake up and smell that loverly coffee. Woof. And a meow to that. j

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