
Thursday, 29 March 2012



Firstly you think that just because i agreed to pay 50% of dear mother's medical and household "outgoings" it's a done deal.

You know why you silly lame cow? How to calculate? Okay, Okay, it's the bright new world, one can pin any bits of cost on any body or any country. the United Arabian Emirates want Israel back. Argentina would love to welcome the people of the Falklands home. and so on.

I digress.

Ya, I saw your detailed bill which notes down to a thermo pot of $99.90. Brilliant work.

Here's my partial bill to you:

1. At least 5 years of loan payments to mum's house. Let's say $500 a month. That's 60 x 500 = $30,000. You owe me $15,000 for starters. And we are not even counting the yearly assessment and quit rent payments.

2. That air con you've been enjoying? $1,200. You owe me another $600.

3. You were not at Dad's funeral. so you saved yourself an air flight. But I had to make the journey. Can we share my mileage and toll costs with you? I had to fetch the grand daughter too. Does that count?

4. All the incident medical fess for mum's back pain - let's say $2,000. You owe me another $1,000. Can i charge the petrol to take her there? Never mind, I'll absorb that.

5. That cordless phone you asked me to buy? You never did pay me the 50% right? $275. So, please cough up another $137,50.

6. All the Chinese New Year celebration foodies. Let's say a miserable $300 a year. 30+ years, that'll be $9,000. Another $4,500 for me. Yay.

7. Transportation costs during the CNY period. No need to count lah. Free.

8. Cleaning cobwebs just now. $150. That's $75 for me. Oh, you mopped the house so minus $50. I watered the plants, so $10 back to me.

Getting kinda silly isn't it?

Look, you are single. No dependents. You da big sista, you pay for every thing lah.

What you gonna do if I don't contribute a single red cent? Sue me?

So sorry lah for calling you a lame cow and a calculating bitch. I'm a loser. And you're a fucking righteous winner goody goody. And I'll go straight to hell. So what?

Actually I was wrong: you are not a lame cow; you are a dumb ox. Me is a horny monkey with a red-hot ass on fire with a chicken-backside motor mouth.

So like that lah.

You have a nice gay life with your partner you hear?

I gotta go and play my part as a loser...

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