
Monday, 27 September 2010


“In states where the majority are Muslims, Islamic law can be implemented. In states where non-Muslims form the majority, it will be up to the non-Muslim party ruling the state, but at the same time the non-Muslim leader would allow syariah to be applied to Muslims there.” -- Abdul Hadi Awang

NO HOLDS BARRED BY Raja Petra Kamarudin


It looks like the PAS supporters are hot and bothered about my criticism of its youth leader.

Well, that’s good. Someone has to play the role of the devil’s advocate although some are calling me the devil or Satan rather than the devil’s advocate.

Below is the Q&A of the press conference held by the PAS President, Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, on Wednesday, 12 November 2003, after the launching of the blueprint on the introduction of Islamic laws in Malaysia -- a.k.a. the ISD or the Islamic State Document.

Due to the ISD, DAP broke away from the opposition coalition, Barisan Alternatif, and five months later the opposition got massacred in the general elections.

I am not going to comment on what Ustaz Hadi said in his Q&A below other than he at least made the issue clear compared to how the PAS Youth leader talks. I just want to bring to your attention (and remind these PAS people) what was done and said seven years ago and which proved a disaster for the opposition.

My question to Mustaffa Ali (my neighbour of about 20 years) then was: do you want to win the elections and form the next federal government or do you want to propagate Islam?

His reply was: propagate Islam.

I was also told that PAS is not concerned about whether it wins the general elections or not as long as it can use the ‘political platform’ to propagate Islam. By using the political platform PAS would be able to talk about Islam, they explained, otherwise PAS would have no platform to stand on to talk about Islam.

If this is true and if it is still the policy of PAS then the party must declare this to the voters. PAS should be honest about its intentions -- that is it wants to talk about Islam and not to win elections. Then the voters can decide whether to vote for PAS or not. Or else PAS is being dishonest and is taking the voters for a ride.

I wrote years back that these types of PAS leaders should get out of politics and concentrate on doing missionary (dakwah) work and let the politicians do the job of winning elections and of changing the government.

PAS has to be clear on what it wants and this mission and vision statement must be made public. If not then PAS is not an honest party.

The problem is, I am talking about the reality of politics and about winning the general elections and about changing the government. PAS, however, is talking about saving my soul and about making sure I get to go to heaven and not to hell. We are on two different wavelengths here. Malays would say: macam ayam dengan itek bercakap.


What is the most significant difference between what you are expounding through your document and what the Barisan Nasional government has been doing?

The most significant thing is that under the Barisan government, Islam is ruled. What we want is for Islam to rule. We will let the power of Islam rule.

We will not follow the narrow view of Islam where Islam is only one aspect of the country, while what we are expounding is that a country is only one aspect of Islam, which is all encompassing.

You said that your Islamic state document accepts the existing Federal Constitution but with the necessary amendments. What are some of the amendments?

The first thing which needs to be clarified is the word “Islam” which is mentioned in the Constitution.

PAS was involved in giving its views through the memorandum which was hastily drawn up by the Reid Commission just before Independence and was part of the other Islamic groups which pushed for the inclusion of Islam in the Constitution. The problem was that the Reid Commission interpreted Islam according to their understanding.

We have our own understanding of Islam which is different from that of the Commission. The time has come for the word “Islam” in the Constitution to be interpreted accurately in accordance to the Quran and the Sunnah.

Secondly, the word “syariah” which is now placed under the jurisdiction of the states is subjected to limitations. These limitations will have to be amended.

Although the Constitution has undergone several amendments, it does not give power to Islam and syariah.

So the amendment will allow syariah law to be applied in states?

The amendment will allow syariah to apply at both state and Federal levels.

What will be the difference between the syariah law at Federal and state levels?

The amendment will make the Federal and state levels consistent.

We can retain the existing Federalism concept. We realise that there are states where Muslims are not the majority and Federalism is very suitable under such circumstances.

In states where the majority are Muslims, Islamic law can be implemented. In states where non-Muslims form the majority, it will be up to the non-Muslim party ruling the state, but at the same time the non-Muslim leader would allow syariah to be applied to Muslims there.

You said the dualism in the existing legal system would be retained. Do you mean that there will be two sets of laws, one for Muslims and one for non-Muslims?

Yes. That is allowed by the Quran. The Quran allows those who are not Muslims to practise the laws of their own religion and the laws which they choose for themselves.

At the same time, Muslims would be practising laws of their own.

That means non-Muslims will not be subjected to hudud?

Yes. Yes.

You said you welcome comments on your document from everyone. Does that mean the Islamic State concept is not final as far as PAS is concerned?

For us, it is final. What is important is for us to explain. In terms of principle, it is final. On principles which may not be clear, we accept questions and we will explain. On issues which are not part of the principles, we can have common understanding when it comes to implementation.

What is the reaction of the other opposition parties?

We have had initial discussions with those parties where our co-operation is political for the purpose of facing elections. At the same time, we respect the policies, principles and the struggle of each individual party.

You said an Islamic state would emphasise meritocracy. What would happen to the existing policies which give focus to bumiputras such as quotas?

The reality today is that the majority of the poor are bumiputras. Hence, for the initial period, focus will be on the bumiputra.

There may be a situation in the future that the bumiputras will overcome their problems, and the Indians become the majority of the poor. Then, it will be the responsibility of the country to look after the Indian community.

Maybe the Chinese who have been rich for a long time suddenly become bored with their wealth and turn poor. Then, it will become our responsibility to protect the Chinese.

It will depend on the situation. We are not disposing off with the term bumiputra.

What do you mean by saying that the Islamic state emphasises on meritocracy?

Justice is dispensed to anyone who is entitled to it. It is in terms of wealth, education and others.

Does that mean PAS will remove quotas?

That will depend on developments. Quotas are something which cannot be decided upon now.

Does that mean the special rights which are provided for by the Constitution will be amended?

It will continue to be used until the time when the Malays can stand on their feet. Then, it will no longer be needed. There may be a time when other races are weak. Islam prohibits the exploitation of people who are weak.

Will the existing monarchy system be changed?

The Quran maintains the monarchy system of government and also recognises a non-monarchy system. Both systems are recognised by the Quran. The prophets Daud and Sulaiman were kings.

At the same time, Islam requires the establishment of the khilafah (a leadership which is responsible for establishing Islam as the religion and in governing of the state).

What is important is that there is implementation of justice, the spirit of musyawarah (consultation) is present, and within musyawarah, there is democracy.

It is stated that non-Muslims will be allowed to enjoy the rights of their own beliefs and practices. Does this mean that things like gambling and drinking will not be banned?

This has already happened in Terengganu and Kelantan where before we enforce these laws, we hold a dialogue with the non-Muslims and ask them what their religion said about those practices.

When they say their religion also forbade those practices, we will then ban them outright. If their religion allowed those practices, then it will be allowed.

Gambling is forbidden by all religions, so we have banned it. But with drinking and eating pork, there are religions which allow these practices, so they are allowed.

What happens when a crime which is committed involved both Muslims and non-Muslims? For example, what would happen if a non-Muslim killed a Muslim?

Under such a situation, it would be up to the victim of injustice to choose the law. Or the judiciary will have to make a decision on what kind of law will be applied.

Furthermore, for the non-Muslim, there is already a punishment for murder. There are similarities with Islamic law although it is based on the Penal Code.

What about for offences like khalwat (close proximity) or zina (adultery)?

The Muslim will be punished according to hudud while the non-Muslim will be punished according to the law he or she chooses.

Please do not regard this as unfair. According to the teachings of Islam, Muslims who have been punished according to hudud will not be cast into hell in their hereafter. Those who have not been punished by hudud, they will be sent to hell despite being punished under laws that are non-hudud.

That is why Muslims are satisfied with such a situation.

It was stated that the ruler would be a Muslim? Do you mean the King or the Prime Minister has to be Muslim?

Yes. The King and the Prime Minister will have to be Muslim. This is the usual practice throughout the world. A communist country will not choose an American to be president. When the Republican Party wins in the US, they will not choose a Democrat to be president.

If it is Islam that rules, then a Muslim will be the head of state. But the Cabinet can be made up of non-Muslims. This is something which is allowed in Islam.

One more thing is that Islam is not tied up with ethnicity. If there is a Muslim non-Malay who is considered influential and fulfil all requirements of the religion, he can become the head of state.

In fact in history, the rulers of Islamic countries were not always Arabs. The Ottomans were Turks. Mamelukes were former slaves. Where in Western history have you seen an ex-slave becoming leader of a country?

What would be the role of non-Muslims in the Islamic state which you hope to establish? Would they have a role?

Among the roles would be executive, legislative, and others. Non-Muslims can be members of the Cabinet and the administration. They can even be members of Parliament and have a voice and give views. They can be community leaders representing their own communities.

What do you mean by 'the syariah will be the supreme law of the land'?

As the laws are based on the Quran and Sunnah, that means syariah is supreme. But this does not mean everything is rigid. There will be matters which are “movable” and those which are “immovable.”

What are immovable are the principles. But there are things, which are movable such as time, culture as well as laws and these will depend on the opinions of Islamic jurors.

But as stated earlier, Muslims will be totally subjected to Islamic law while non-Muslims will be subjected to laws of their own religion.

There will be rules which will apply to all, and those which will only apply to parts of the community.

What about atheists?

For those without a religion, there will be laws. There are laws which are connected with religion, and there are those which are applied generally, such as traffic laws, where a green light means everyone can move. These concern public interest and morals.

Why do you think non-Muslims will trust that the contents of this document today will be implemented and that there will not be any “surprises”, such as the implementation of the kharaj (tax imposed on non-Muslims) in Terengganu?

You have to look at things practically when it comes to Terengganu and Kelantan. Kharaj is a new word which we introduced and many do not understand its meaning. It is connected to taxation. Muslims are required to pay zakat. Non-Muslims cannot be required to pay zakat because it has a spiritual aspect. That is why they have to pay tax. Tax in Arabic, it is call kharaj. It’s the same. Land tax is called kharaj. It is just a term.

How would this document help PAS in the coming general election?

To realise our aspirations in the general election would depend upon a manifesto which we will reveal to the people. It will depend on our common understanding between the various opposition parties.

The document on the Islamic state is more general.

Will there be other documents on the Islamic state after today?

As and when it is needed. If there are people who request any explanation in writing, we will do so.

There will also be those who require explanation through practice as there are matters in Islam which may be difficult to understand if it is in writing. And that will require us to be in power.

Comments (23)Add Comment
written by Davy McChester, September 27, 2010 14:10:45
First ,Abdul Hadi Awang and PAS should corral the people of Kelantan within Kelantan and go all out on the application of their hudud and Sharia laws on Kelantan. Do not allow their citizens to move to other States or cross over to Thailand.. Do that for 20 years ? During the 20 years encourage the people of Kelantan not to be envious of other States or start a Jihad against others even when Kelantan becomes miserably poor despite Allah keeping a 24 hours watch over them.. Abdul Hadi Awang should seek the advice of tyrants from Somali ,Pakistan, Iran ,Saudi Arabic and all other countries managed by Allah's laws.
It did not work then it would not work now ,especially now in the age of technology and individual freedom and the right to believe or not to believe in religion.. But one will be very certain : it would produce brainless bunch of howling foot-soldiers destroying themselves to keep Awang hadi in power .
written by alphabetagamma, September 27, 2010 13:43:53
A message for RPK: We read somewhere that in the University of Malaya (Singapore) records when Mahakutty was a medical student there, this Mahakutty was recorded as an Indian. With your vast source of information, hope you can somehow retrieve that record and post it here in Malaysia Today for all Malaysians to see the real Mahakuty. Please.
written by ibabonma, September 27, 2010 13:06:58
" you want to win the elections and form the next federal government or do you want to propagate Islam?"

When Pas is really in power and in total control of Parliament then Pas can do anything she likes and do the unthinkable say, banning DAP, MCA, MIC, Gerakan and have hudud and what not.

Therefore, form the government first ..... Jangan jadi Mat Jenin. Orang tamak selalu rugi.
written by bintikdebu, September 27, 2010 11:04:00
Another beautiful quote, "Justice dies when dehumanized, no matter how exactly it may be exercised. Justice dies when deified, for beyond all justice is God's compassion. The logic of justice may seem impersonal, yet the concern for justice is an act of love."
written by bintikdebu, September 27, 2010 11:01:24
A quote from "The Prophets" by Abraham Heschel, "The fact that filled the prophets with dismay was not the absence of adequate laws, but the absence of righteousness. Judges were active in the land, but their judgments were devoid of righteousness. The prophets were shocked not only by acts of injustice on the part of scoundrels but also by the perversion of justice on the part of the notables. When warped and garbled, justice yields strife and distrust."
written by earthman, September 27, 2010 07:55:47
The mission of all Muslims are the same whether they from PAS or Umno or PKR or DAP, that is to propagate Islam and implement syariah laws. So non Muslims beware whom you support . If PAS were to come into power or share power with DAP , there is going to be a big conflict and disorder, as PAS would used all its influences and power to overthrow and subdue the DAP or PKR . Dont be deceived by the sweet words of PAS or any Islamic authority. This warning had been given to the west already. If we failed to stop the advancement of Islam , we are all doom to be suppressed under the Muslim clerics where there is no more freedom for other beliefs and practice. This is the truth.
Love the Muslims but reject Islam. Let love reign our lives and nation and not any religion. The Truth shall set us free. There is no other way but the Way and the Truth .
written by a guest, September 27, 2010 02:15:07
Hudud is medieval and inhuman, 'they' say. These same 'they' say Singapore which implements the death penalty and has the highest per capita death penalty in the world is the greatest government in the universe and LKY is the greatest human being of all time in the universe. Idiots.
written by usurper, September 27, 2010 00:43:19
This Hadi is talking cock like how Iblis Ali is taking now. Syariah law or Civil Law or no Law. You cant mix it because these fools have not the ability to understand the complicity that a human mind has in screwing up the 2 laws. If a muslim bonks non-Muslim out of wedlock it is khalwat for Muslim but syiok for non-muslim; is this fair? If married muslim bonks unmarried non-Muslim it is adultery for Muslim but it is syiok for non-muslim; is this fair. If Muslim bonks Christian by lying that he/she is not muslim and christian want to sue Muslim for lying can Christian take Muslim to civil court? Or if Muslim bonks Christian who lied that he/she is Muslim can Muslim take Christian to Syariah court? Can Hindu bonk Christian and have a baby out of wedlock and subsequently convert to be Muslim and wants baby but Christian wants baby to be a Christian then would the case be heard in Syariah or civil court? Might be Hadi can tell us who to bonk, when to bonk and how to bonk or we choose the religion first before bonking and then after bonking. It is truly mystifyingly bumiputraing law. Genting would Goh with Lim, 4Ekor would be Vincents last ekor. DaMaCai will have no MaCai when Hadi's Islamic Law is in place. All bullshitting in the name of GOD.
written by DPG, September 27, 2010 00:09:47
Quote: "The most significant thing is that under the Barisan government, Islam is ruled. What we want is for Islam to rule. We will let the power of Islam rule".

Well, for this to happen, then God has to take over as the PM, otherwise then PAS leaders will be ruling on behalf of God! Have these PAS leaders obtained the mandate from God to rule on HIS behalf? If they have obtained his mandate(officially), I will be the first to accept PAS' Islamic state. Otherwise, please don't play God.
written by syd, September 26, 2010 23:41:28
Better for Dr dzul, PAS MP for kuala selangor to change party if majority of PAS leaders are like this.
written by chee khiaw, September 26, 2010 23:27:57
Thieves or idiots from the dark ages...first world choices
written by Pakyeh, September 26, 2010 22:24:26
First things first. PAS.
Get into power first.!!!
If you have to forgo hudud to get into power,then by all means forgo it.!!!
You have to play the popularity game to get into power.!!!
Chose a popular manifesto like anti corruption and Welfare State.!!!

When you are in power people will listen to you better.!!!
Then only can you implement the hudud or kentut Law. !!!
That too if the rakyat agrees to it.!!!
This is Democracy. The rakyat is the real power.!!!.
Let the rakyat decide whether they want hudud or not.!!!
You cannot force hudud down their throat.!!!

I really hope the "Pimpinan Ulama" of PAS will understand this political strategy.. They all fail their science and Maths lah. Thats why they are very slow t understand.!!!

Please PAS Ulama get educated in political science and economics.!!!
Otherwise you will be like ship Captains who have never seen the sea.!!!.
written by Voter get Voters 1, September 26, 2010 20:52:38
Off topic again:
Dearest Pete.
You do not know me but like millions of Msians, we all know you. You selflessly fight for A BETTER Malaysia for ALL Malaysians , otherwise you and your family could easily have had a wealthy and comfortable life if not for your political righteousness. You sacrifices your own and your family well being for our sakes and of the nation. You are fighting not for yourself but for ALL Malaysians even thou you can easily forsaken us Malaysians and for that we salute you.
You are like Robin Hood out to catch those Robbing Crooks and Marina being faithful Mariam and hopefully we ALL can be your side kick Merry Men/gals.
We love and salute you and pray God keep you all safe, happy and healthy, God Bless Msia's No 1 HERO. We Malaysians are truly indebted to you
Happy Birthday Pete HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Lastly I just want to say this: There is only 1 God and there is only 1 Raja ... that is Raja Petra Kamarudin
written by Buayanegara, September 26, 2010 20:04:34
If the implementors of HUDUD are genuine there should be no problem. Hundreds of umno heads will row !!!
written by Wally, September 26, 2010 19:45:33
Talk of introducing a medieval system of punishment into Malaysia as a deterrent against committing crimes (Hudud) demonstrates precisely why non-Muslims in the West are wary of Islam encroaching upon them. Because if moderate Malaysia is thinking seriously about this, then the more radical Islamic countries would soon take up the call too!

Not only is the Hudud concept outdated, but when similar inhumane punishments abounded in Europe centuries ago, they patently failed to bring about the desired results. Any high school student is aware of that.

Yes, I know certain States in the USA still believe that the death sentence is a respectable punishment for human beings to inflict upon other human beings, but it's no coincidence that most of those States can be found in the so-called "Bible Belt" region of the USA. It's religion rearing its ugly head again! And I'm supposed to believe that because people "do religion" they are automatically nicer than those who profess no religion? Where is there any proof of that? Certainly none at all once those religious bigots have opened their mouths and spoken! What's worse, cutting off limbs and heads is all done in God's name! Give me a break, please!

Frankly, the thing that frightens me most about religion is that religious bigotry is inevitably lurking just around the corner whenever you meet a crowd of the so-called religiously enlightened! And having to suffer the sanctimonious outpourings of such self-proclaimed saints is enough to make any sane person want to vomit!

Anyway, what is the point of threatening Hudud at this stage of Malaysia's development? Is PAS deliberately setting out to intimidate the non-Muslims in Malaysia, hoping they will run away with the threat of Hudud hanging over their heads? Because surely the PAS leaders know full well that, when it comes to the crunch, nobody with an ounce of sense in his/her head would allow a return to the days of gore that preceded today's concept of a civilised society!

On the other hand, if all political parties in Malaysia don't start pulling their acts together soon but instead insist on playing the race and religion cards at every opportunity, I can only say that "Malaysia Truly Asia" could soon become "Malaysia A Truly Asian Malaise".

As RPK has rightly pointed out in another article: if this is the best PAS can do, then let it serve as a warning to all who support them that Malaysia could be headed straight to the pit of despair if people like that were allowed access to too much power!

written by roggon, September 26, 2010 19:34:21
Why are these 'muslims' so engrossed about going to heaven? Do you really think there is heaven and hell? Look, there are 2 facts that we know very well.
written by Voter get Voters 1, September 26, 2010 19:10:24
Off Topic:
As all of you are aware that umNO spared no efforts to hacked MT many times and we all were deprived of our usual dose of scandals,real news, I believe that it is a matter of time before umNO do real damages to MT with that few hundreds of Indian computer experts that Najis brought in personally to just do that.
I think we all should do our part by harvesting as many emails as possible and when the needs arises, we all can spread RPK's and MT messages and articles and even other bloggers Xposure to as many as possible and ask all to keep forwarding. NO HARM DONE TO HARVEST THOUSANDS OF EMAILS and be prepared to be use in the worst case scenario. I have harvested 7,000 and have keep them well informed. GE 13 is around the corner. Those who are too busy to sent emails...then forward those to me and I be happy to do the work as I am under employed : \n This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it '> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
written by Ocassey, September 26, 2010 18:30:27
The Muslim will be punished according to hudud while the non-Muslim will be punished according to the law he or she chooses.

Please do not regard this as unfair. According to the teachings of Islam, Muslims who have been punished according to hudud will not be cast into hell in their hereafter. Those who have not been punished by hudud, they will be sent to hell despite being punished under laws that are non-hudud.

That is why Muslims are satisfied with such a situation.

Looks like there will NEVER be any Muslim to be found in hell ever ! Such "satisfactions" have created our nation and guided it to its present dire state ! If Malaysians continue to be "educated" the way the local schools are dishing out information and knowledge , it will be another 50 years of UMNO/BN rule !

Pleaselah , PAS ! This is the 21Century ! We love to eat crabs BUT WE CANNOT ACCEPT CRAPS !
written by a guest, September 26, 2010 18:08:08
Here comes again : The Malaysian Dilemna ...
written by Ocassey, September 26, 2010 18:06:25
We only voted and will continue to do the same to vote PAS in Pakatan Rakyat during elections so long as the UMNO/BN is still in power . The reasons and flexibilities stated by PAS personnel in the above article cannot work out except in "Fairyland" . Voters have little alternatives but to temporarily co-operate with religious bigots and religious fanatics who will now "look" accommodating and flexible with a lot of "garnishing" served on the platter ! We know that in the near future all will be promises put aside, promises ignored, promises modified , promises non-applicable and promises postponed !

As it is there are differing "factions" within PAS ! We know ! There are those who will bind by similar faith ! There are those who will lean towards wealth and power ! There are those who will openly have zina with the nation's real enemy ! There are those who continue to identify by origins and race ! We are at present attracted to co-operate with PAS because there are influential few who are old yet humble and down-to-earth besides being honest , sincere and almost selfless ! We are also very taken-in by the young , farsighted few who are actually the ones who have made PAS acceptable by the non-Muslims !

We are willing to gamble and bet on PAS to TOGETHER rid the nation of Its NATIONAL NUMBER ONE ENEMY --UMNO/BN As we are very concerned as we witness with our very own eyes the ultimate death of the nation now in the hands of the devils !

So , PAS must not act like the common flu to appear and affect the RAKYAT at the wrong time when the enemy is the terminal disease that has been eating into every one of the RAKYAT for the past half a century !

written by samadhi8, September 26, 2010 17:40:47
Hmmm . . . . . So is that why there are no Christian political party, no Buddhist political party and no Hindu political party? Oh ......
written by panca, September 26, 2010 17:04:21
PAS has to be clear on what it wants and this mission and vision statement must be made public. If not then PAS is not an honest party.

This is what I was concerned when I commented about what is required of a leader to have not only thinking ability but clarity, otherwise without it, those mumbo jumbo would lead the whole lot confused and lost.

It's so silly and disheartening to see people losing confidence because contradictory statement. Please refrain making stupid mistake.
written by doggone, September 26, 2010 16:59:53
"...Where in Western history have you seen an ex-slave becoming leader of a country?" Of cos that was spoken by Hadi in 2003 before Obama became the President of the US.

Does that mean the Ustaz might change his views now and allow non-Malays into the highest realm of power? Now why are 8 out of 10 person here shaking their head in disagreement that he would?

I have no compunction if PAS wants to helm the government of the day should we take Putrajaya one day, only if they can run it with a global mindset and not try to think of chopping off heads and hands or finding an excuse to stone another women to death for khalwat. How do they expect to go to heaven if your thoughts are so narrow minded that the devil will have to think twice before accepting you in Hell cos you sure can't manage to even maintain the temperature gauge.

Hudud will have us nodding in approval if you first start with the corrupt inside the party and cut off their pinkie for a start. At least we know you're serious.

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