Thank you so much
Monday, 27 September 2010
My time on earth is no longer mine. This time does not belong to me. It belongs to my children and grandchildren and their children and grandchildren yet to be born.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
I was born just after midnight UK time 60 years ago. That would be around 7.00am Malaysian time. But already I am receiving loads of birthday wishes.
As I would probably not be able to reply to all your messages, as there are just so many, I would like to thank everyone here in this article for the birthday wishes you sent me and are continuing to send me even as I write this article. I don’t want anyone saying that I am sombong and am ignoring your messages.
My father who was born on 1st July 1925 died on 4th August 1971 at the age of 46. My mother who was born on 11th February 1933 died on 5th November 1980 at the age of 47. The fact that today I am celebrating my 60th birthday means I have been given ‘extended time’, which I certainly must be very grateful for.
This ‘extended time’ does not belong to me. Going by the ages that my parents died I too should have gone a long time ago. And the fact that I am still around not only means I should be grateful I am still alive but that this ‘extended time’ should be used not for my benefit but for the benefit of the nation.
I have seen and done many things in my life. What I have experienced in my 60 years can fill two or more lifetimes for many people. At my age what more is there that I need? Even if I never wake up from sleep tomorrow there are no regrets because I have lived a full life. And if I do wake up then I have to ponder as to why I am still around and what I must do with the balance of my life.
My time on earth is no longer mine. This time does not belong to me. It belongs to my children and grandchildren and their children and grandchildren yet to be born.
I pray I get to see another ten years of life. If I get to see more than ten years that is more than I expect and hope for. Whatever it may be and whatever time I may have left, it is so that I can utilise this extra time in trying to make Malaysia a better place for those I leave behind.
The future belongs to the next generation. My job is to ensure that the next generation gets to enjoy life in a country that is conducive to a better quality of life. Quality of life is not about the number of years you live. Quality of life is not about the wealth that you procure. It is about a country free of persecution, discrimination and injustice and where the government respects the fundamental rights of its citizens.
How long we live is not important. Whether it is a short or long life is not crucial. It is what you do in that short time you spend on earth is what matters.
When I leave this world I shall not be able to leave my descendants money or riches because I am not a wealthy man. In fact, I am a declared bankrupt. But what I can leave them would be a legacy that we must always fight for justice and freedom and rise to the defence of the downtrodden. That, I believe, are virtues which even money cannot buy.
So, again, thank you so much for all those birthday wishes. And whether ten years from now you will still be wishing me happy birthday and whether I will still be saying thank you is not foremost in my mind. What is foremost in my mind is that even if I go tomorrow I would go knowing that I have helped plant the seed of dissent and have been able to teach Malaysians that we must never fear the oppression perpetuated by the government but rise and oppose oppression and make the government fear us instead.
Thank you, Malaysians. You are always in my heart and I hope I too will always be in yours long after I am gone and have become dust buried in the earth.
Comments (16)
written by jokersland, September 27, 2010 14:57:37
All of us are living on borrowed times on this universe. We will never know whether there is any tomorrow. Most of us will say, look at the positive side, take care what you eat. But I always say, eat what you like as long as you can eat. Give back as much as you could to the needy without them feeling indebted to us. I always like to joke with my Malay friends, "bila Tuan Allah panggil, kita akan balik"
Wish you a happy belated birthday and many happy returns of the day.
written by knilecin, September 27, 2010 14:57:22
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. We should be thanking you! For all you've done and sacrificed for M'sians. We pray for you and your family safety.
written by bintikdebu, September 27, 2010 14:50:51
Happy Birthday RPK and thank you so much for your service... you are a voice of hope in hopelessness, a ray of light in the midst of darkness. You are an example for all of us to follow.
"Be not weary and faint hearted, crying for peace... for Allah is with you!" (Muhammad 47:35)
"Let us do not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary." (Gal. 6:10)
* +1
written by michael, September 27, 2010 14:49:28
Happy Birthday, RPK.
Your services are part of God's work. You will be granted a long, long life to fulfill God's wishes.
May you and your family members be blessed with abundance and be protected from harm.
* +1
written by educationist, September 27, 2010 14:40:44
To have lived, and to have improved the quality of life of even a single being is one important quality to assess the greatness or otherwise of that being.
On that basis,RPK u towers over many of us!!
* +5
written by alfchuah, September 27, 2010 14:27:22
I wish I could give you a hug and heart-felt thank you. Reading you article just makes me tear up - I never realized there would be a Malaysian that I could be very very very proud of - and that person is you, Pete.
To another 10 years and more!!!
* +11
written by penangite, September 27, 2010 14:27:03
Happy Birthday, RPK. You have certainly brought a new dimension to the meaning of new politics in Malaysia.
* +7
written by truthbespoken, September 27, 2010 14:26:53
Dear RPK, thank you very much too. You have certainly brought much awareness to the people of Malaysia. You have in your own imitable way introduced a period of political awakening and brought on the courage and righteousness of fellow Malaysians to the forefront. Through your fearless thoughts and consistent actions you have successfully imparted the sense of unity and gelled the growing numbers of Malaysians who still have high hopes for a better Malaysia.
Dear RPK, you are the 180% opposite of former PM Mahakutty. At 60, you have single-handedly accomplished the type of Malaysian unity in which no other politician had been able to do. Whereas, at 85, Mahakutty is still trying his very best to segregate Malaysians. This is the difference between good and evil. You have learned much about mankind and still doing your level best for Malaysians. This cannot not be applied to Mahakutty. He is a complete failure as leader and person.
Dear RPK. may you have many more years to come. You need to see Malaysians through this uncertain period. Malaysians need you to fight along . Many Happy Returns of the day. Thank you again. Your name shall be chiseled in the annals of history as the man who changed Malaysia for the better. Cheers!
* +12
written by Oscar Winner, September 27, 2010 14:23:22
Happy Birthday Dear Pete, and many happy returns, from me and my family. We are forever indebted to you for all that you have done to raise the awareness of the rakyat about the regime ganas so that we can end the scourge which has caused sufferings to many for decades and make this country a better place to live in. I am certain that god has granted you extended time for a good reason. Like Tun Mamak's extended time which is to god's intention to showcase to the world what a satan can do to wreck a country and destroy the future of the human race. After the world finally learns about Tun Mamak's evil deeds, God will not allow another Tun Mamak to be born. Trust HIM.
According to medical reports, healthy humans can live till more than 100 if great care is taken in food intake and the air that we breathe, especially if both are free from toxins as much as possible. I cetainly hope you live till 100 and still sprightly while riding your motorbikes. On every bithday, we thank god we survive another year, but the harsh reality is we are another year closer to the grave. Let's all strive to leave behind a legacy for our children and theirs, too. Like I said before, I would like to bring my kids to meet you -- our great hero--- and say "give me a five". Therefore, stay safe and healthy till there's a new govt and return to meet my kids (forget about returning now). We look forward to your home coming
* +8
written by Ben, September 27, 2010 14:12:10
Many happy returns of the day, boss! You'll live to see many more years and despite the cold weather that is such a bother to old folks, you'll be back in sunny Malaysia soon. We look forward to warm hero welcome for you just like the prodigal son. Only difference is you are there continuing your good work and raising the awareness of our brothers and sisters studying there,
Father God, may You bless our brother, RPK, whom we love very much. May You protect and guide him and his family to do Your will on earth as it is in heaven. May you also grant him his wish to see Malaysia transform into the country that "would be a legacy that we must always fight for justice and freedom and rise to the defence of the downtrodden." In your precious name we ask all this. Amen.
* +16
written by alphabetagamma, September 27, 2010 14:11:39
RPK:" I don’t want anyone saying that I am sombong and am ignoring your messages."
RPK Hapy Birthday. Hope you don't mind us making a birthday wish on your behalf which is to see documentary proof that Mahakutty was documented as an INDIAN during his time as a medical student at UM (Singapore) . Please use your sources and resources to locate and upload here for all Malaysia Today readers to read and disseminate
Please please please birthday boy!!!!
* +12
written by JayJayPo, September 27, 2010 14:10:27
RPK.....keep in mind that you are only bankrupt monetary wise,but you certainly are rich in integrity and honesty which is a legacy your descendants can and will be truly proud of.
What you have done for our nation's well being in inspiring and waking up the Rakyat to claim back their country these last few years from the evil regime of UMNO/BN.....is your legacy to us Sir.
Have a great birthday with your loved ones and may God bless you with good health and happiness.
* +14
written by G-old man, September 27, 2010 14:10:11
Happy 60th birthday . Naked we come , naked shall we go. While we live the balance of our life on this earth , let us help those unfortunate .
Even if our service or advice is not needed , let us hope and pray that this once blessed land will not be destroyed by our greedy and selfish politicians
* +11
written by youngbags, September 27, 2010 14:03:07
Happy birthday RPK. You are a living legend, nuff said.
* +9
written by panca, September 27, 2010 14:02:40
Happy Birthday Bro Pete,
You have been and still will be the best for us, we, the Rakyat look forward to meet you to hold you, hug you and shake your hands. Time never stop us from wanting, wishing for the best for Malaysia, it is you that we await your home-coming, in the very near future when change becomes very near, so near that the Rakyat shall make this very day realized - The Vote For Change is the vote from YOU. We owe that to you and our ourselves, our brothers and sisters of Malaysia.
We are with you, always. We love you dearly because you represent the People who needs change for the better. May you live a long long life. We shall see the change in the immediate future.
Happy Birthday to you and excellent health to all in the family.
Many Cheers!
* +13
written by syd, September 27, 2010 13:55:20
Oh pleeeze. Can you try and outlive and out work Dr M and LKY, the two pains in the arse guys who are still trying to beat death.
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