Dear sor Lor Man,
IF i may be honest n blunt.
R u pwetending to bee retarded or genuinely dumb. In other words hor, U is banyak stoopiak la u olang itu, u sometime-creative dialector. W-w-which part of Crient's massage u do NOt under the standing?
ReSearch means re search agin la. U search here, n then over there n then here again or even over there where that dicky fella is standing. U under standinG now?
n thAT instruction to use a cretin certain letter beginning with F is so important u need not ask: "why do we need to choose a word that starts with a specific letter?"
That one instruction what we (like me BuTt not youse Catholic types) famous n well-known n renowned kopi wliter call industry lunguage or jar gon (not dissimilar to a jar of jam or hair cream).
It is known, n i remind you to use it sparingly : ANAL RETENTIVE.
check out the corour, does it look like faeces? Well, when yr england not so high hor u make all sorts of comment just course u bloody can.
AND THAT IS MY TAKE ON ALL THE cOMMenTs. They even numbered their precious little fucking comments. fancy that?!!!??
And, and, aNd, anD...these r the rule-by-committee 9refer to any Ogilvy book n see wot he thinks of making decisions by committee). The most amazing miracle is tHaaaat these half-wit, retards (did i say they were retards a while back? well they r u know) are running our country's fall-down-from-the-sky resources. fooking bloody hell.
these r the same clowns who get the std lowered so that can graduate
these r the same clowns who sit next to me in lower six when i got in with Grade 1 n they had Grade III in M.C.E (O-levels)
these r the same jokers who got into the local University when I had 2 principals n 1 subsidiary in H.S.C. (A-levels) the std required to achieve a FULL Certificate and they breezed in with ONE principal n 2 subdiary
cukup la, it's 5:58, gtg to get ready to travel to an Agency fool of these same sub-standard kulitf-ied n pretend to be the fool.
so much fun kan?
did ya know, we have a new ex-O&M CD as a new partner dna 360 degrees.
gud look to tat
On 18 August 2010 24:00, man, is he solo?
ok, can deliver the captions by thursday. but what research do you mean? to get new pictures? cos copy-wise, the changes are not drastic.
(re: calendar captions in the microsoft word file you mailed me)
i noticed in client's blue boxes (where changes are tracked) that they asked for some words to start with a specific letter! this is strange. why do we need to choose a word that starts with a specific letter ... unless we are doing an idea based on a crossword puzzle, where only specific letters are called for. please check out the blue boxes tha pop up when someone makes notes on the copy or deletes some words, then you'll see what i mean.
On 18 August 2010 13:53, diamond koo
u have at least UNTIL THIS FRYday 20 08 2010 until 6-ish oso can laa... alot of freaking research to do laaaa...we only got 5 out of 15 buruk buruk approved...but not bad oso la, some got okay-ed w/o a single word change yay.
On 17 August 2010 08:38, mansole n low wrote:
ok diamond. i may need more than a day to get this done as i am rushing a couple of things at work.
On 17 August 2010 04:41, diamond koo
Dear solo,
the Client has made comments on the caption and caring instruction as attached.
As for the President’s message, kindly re-write the copy based on a more generic brand new year message. Some pointers to include:
- This year, we are giving you a good, durable leather organiser
- a sign of our goodwill that we value our partnership and we thank you for your support to our organization
- long lasting organiser which suppose to last for 3 year ……..
You can refer to LV or moleskin’s website on how it is written.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Diamond
Date: 11 August 2010 14:00
Subject: RE: Copy approval
To: "some;; that.body@oily&;; decisionbycommitteeand we know what we are doing because we some say BATAM.oso.too; OIL.R.US@dirty.we.r.not.because.our's why.n. that's
Okay. Will do radar...i was thniking u all had forgotten abt it. . .so long oredi leh.
I’m on M C ( my kidney stones came back!) till Fry Day but i’ll e-mail myself to do it at home.
Selamat Hari Raya Puasa
diamond khoo
didNOTunderstandCOMM sdn. bhd. (4444044-FU)
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EyeSudahLahWarty Binteed Zoology Very Iffy (GroupCorporateAffairs_Confusification n fornication/PartEarthTheHellWeAreNOT) [mail too: whatwe worry?]
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