60 reaSONS
60 Reasons It's Great To Be A Woman
- Every guy who ever dumped you will die first.
- You're not compelled to save the universe.
- No performance anxiety ... ever. In fact, the worse you are in bed,the better your reputation.
- Never have to call Sy Sperling; your forehead remains the same size forever.
- Don't have to knock yourself out ... the less you do for guys, the better they treat you.
- No one gives a damn what you do for a living. If a guy wants you, you could work in a slaughterhouse, for all he cares.
- Never have to know where you are or where you're going; some guy will always give you directions.
- You can wear dresses or pants ... no one questions your sexual preference.
- No suits in summer.
- Tank tops OK in restaurants.
- No clearing your throat at sad movies.
- He will NEVER know how many times you faked it.
- Your sex drive goes off the chart after 40; younger men LOVE you.
- A picture of you taken from the back never reveals a shiny spot on your head.
- No ulcers. All problems resolved by girlfriends in hour over the phone. Okay, hours, who cares?
- No therapy. All magazines, self-help books, Oprah, made for women.
- No rubber products pulled over your genitals.
- Designer outlets.
- You don't have to be interesting; he only wants you to listen. Smile, nod, think about sale at Saks. Actual opinions about anything, a big turnoff to him.
- Two (or three or four) orgasms to his one.
- Chocolate can give you one.
- Miracle Bra. No matter how little you put into one, he becomes your slave.
- Short skirts. He can't stop thinking what's under them, no matter how many times he's seen it.
- A really good cry.
- Short means cute, not Napoleon complex; he loves being looked up to.
- There is always a sale on somewhere.
- Martha Stewart can't keep a guy, no matter HOW she folds a napkin.
- No such thing as bad sex to guys. You can pretty much be in a coma.
- Your friend asks, "How are you?" You can answer for an hour; someone will actually be listening.
- Conversations with girlfriends never include numbers (78 percent, 41 million, etc.).
- No endless bragging bullshit. Friends don't talks deals over tuna salad.
- Plastic surgery.
- No matter how small your feet are, no one ever wonders how small anything else is.
- Make-up. No one ever has to know what you really look like.
- Money discussed only in relation to shopping or alimony, never income or real estate.
- Tuxedo rental: $10 Loehman's slipdress: $39
- No proctology exams.
- Nothing but pee expected in a plastic cup.
- Anything you do with your mouth (besides talking) will get his attention, even if done badly.
- Never feel like a failure because you didn't get to be president.
- Seeing you eat a banana turns him into a blithering idiot.
- No one asks you "So, who's gonna win the championship?"
- No one checks out your genital size in a public restroom.
- If you lose a tennis game, friends don't feel superior or think you're slipping.
- No one expects you to know about or fix what's under the hood.
- Affirmative Action.
- No rejection. Guys do all the asking.
- Power. Governments crumble over what's under your skirt. Guys risk their jobs, reputations and homes for it. The world is run on it. It's currency.
- You finish dressing ... he gets the car.
- Everything you do is an accomplishment. No one even expects you to be logical.
- Electricity: dishwashers, microwaves, vibrators (no need for porn).
- PMS Defense.
- Always have company in the Ladies Room.
- Never have to get your face pummeled to impress dates or friends.
- No one ever says to you in bed, "It's okay, honey, it happens to everyone."
- You're not compelled to bite people on the back.
- Waiters always give the check to him.
- No comb-overs. No rugs.
- A dip in the ocean makes your interesting parts expand, not shrink.
- Lorena Bobbitt.
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