zzzzzZZZzzzz. boring one. but what to do? on with the program. as before, RED (as in angry) text is her excellency, the Lady Princess Drama Queen TingTing. black (ya right, very appropriate. funny.) is black-hearted me. BTW, VickyVoo is just my feminine side’s name. always liked that name. hmmm.
WARNING: long-winded story ahead, with the usual nasty, un-necessary diatribe, not to mention un-savoury pictures of pussies, hamsters, kittens, frogs, dogs, red guys and what-not. fortunately for you, savoury pictures can be found at my dotter’s foody site: http://carelesslittlehamster.blogspot.com/
i repeat:
Content Warning:
The blog that you are about to read and view may contain content only suitable for adults, or people who think they are adult-thinking dudes-dudettes. In general, normal people (not me, of course) do not endorse the content like this, but this here is my weBlog, so like that lah.
papa: When you say my mother brainwash(ed) me, do you have proof?
me: before any thing else, one correction in english, in black my addition. hey, i know this ain’t english lesson time, but what-the-hey why not? why not? as my smart-assed dot-dot loves to scream. how time flies.
i still have this vivid picture of her (about 4 – 5 i think) happily playing in that old subang airport. can even remember her while n pink polka-dotted dress (custody of children: 10 am to 8 pm on alternate saturdays only. by order of the court). divorced fathers have all the luck, huh? sigh. like that la.
ok on to brain washing, and why single mothers have even more fun:
brain wash
Main Entry:
- brain·wash·ing
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈbrān-ˌwȯ-shiŋ, -ˌwä-\
- Function:
- noun
- Etymology:
- translation of Chinese (Beijing) xǐnǎo
- Date:
- 1950
THE PROOF is in the eating of the pudding, as they say. and since you can’t eat yourself and i can’t eat you. well. . . i say:
girl, girl. sigh. my naive smart-ass dot-dot, you are the proof la. halleluyah. and 1,000, 000 hails to Jesus. your attitude, the way you talk-treat me. arrogantly, confidently spouting-balsting your anger to/on/at me.
so if you ask me that’s mama’s grand plan of intentional poisoning-brain-washing kurang ajar. so dis-respectful to elders, n don’t give me the “respect has to be earned” crap. in the asian culture ways of doing stuff, no ifs or buts, you just have to respect yer old man, irrespective of what they have done. which could be all crap. but what do i know?
if had read my previous story, my dad was a gambler and stopped caring and bringing bread to the table since i was 15. which means, like father, like son? of course not. but what do i know?
i digress. dear ah ting, people asked me, “why your dotter like that one?” …must be brain-washed by that bitter mother of hers huh? hey, what do I know?
so you will repent?and be nice? i have forgiven my father. took a long, long time tho’. must be this christian faith i’m committed to now. but hey, yeah right, what do i know? let go and let God, i believe.
When you say I’m not your daughter, why don’t you dare do a DNA checkup?
Main Entry:
the current certified lab test for DNA testing comes up to RM1,500 a pop, dahlink. is amount of paper money worth it? unfortunately, i have the excuse of crying “i’m poor!”. i’m now in the AKPK Debt Management Program (DMP) and i’m like, broke. may be later. but what for la?
u my biological dotter, not my biological dotter, do i really want to know? u the regular frog, i the toad, hmmm. and when i find out about the truth? what then? i’ve already invested quite a huge, giga-byte-enormous chunk of my life (and heart, yeah believe it Gothic chick) on you, not to mention 819 words just on replying this all-important, life-threatening question. but then again, why not?
alas, that would be the ultimate proof eh? okay then sport, let’s do it. but later when i can scrape together the loot. you’ll have to ask permission as well tho’. so better wait till you are 21, of age, and be able to do what you bloody like without being brain-washed to do this or that.
so, like that la.
oooh, a comment
June 25, 2009
hallo there, INCOMINGGGG. little ting ting my fave dotter is a little upset. looks like it’s time to walk the talk. looks like i have to engage. red text is hers. black (ya, very appropriate. funny.) is me.
careless little hamster says:
I have questions for you.
When you say I am a whore, do you really mean it?
- 1whore
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈhȯr, ˈhu̇r\
- Function:
- noun
- Etymology:
- Middle English hore, from Old English hōre; akin to Old Norse hōra whore, hōrr adulterer, Latin carus dear — more at charity
- Date:
- before 12th century
death in the family {part 1}
June 25, 2009
in the year of our Lord 2009, on the eleventh of November (which happened to be my kiki, step dotter’s birthday, my dad (born jan 06, 1925) kicked the bucket.
yeah, he died. ya hah, bit the bullet.
now why phew? well, he was err..an interesting papa, to put it rather kindly. he was a passionate gambler. first, horse racing. then, 4D, 3D, ToTo, magnum (not the gun). and like all gamblers, he ran out of moolah. yes, money.
so he stopped paying upkeep money to ma. luckily i had only one other sibling. anyway, no money means err… no money. so at an important stage in my life, FORM 3, when i was about to sit for my LCE (Lower Certificate of Education) our family was afflicted with ONE LESS bread winner. bummer, right?
Well, on hindsight, well, on second thoughts, not really. but at the time, major, moher fucking catastrophe {BiG word}. Cos dear mummy had a proper job. she was a {ANOTHER BiG word} banker (yay). back then, in the 60’s it was a big deal indeed. female, and a career as a bank officer at a reputed bank. UMBC (United Malayan Banking Corporation, now defunct, taken over by Bank Bumi now CMIB, or was it RHB? hmmm) was the bank she worked in. the branch was in Campbell Street, that would be in PENANG, PEARL OF THE ORIENT.
she was very popular, my ma, not the island of penang. my ma was popularly known as “miss teh” even though she was married to a mister voo (okay, breathe, name is not real – the “voo” family name – to protect his err.. reputation, face).
COMMERCIAL BREAK: Picture above, on your right, would be my pa’s 3-day WAKE which was held in IPOH. my home town, my so-called kampung, was in penang but my parents’ friends began dropping OFF like flies and soon they only had each other to quarrel with…so they uprooted to ipoh where most of my ma’s relatives were.
at that time, my ma’s number one bro was still alive. her #1 sis had not contracted alzehmar’s disease yet.
so like that lah.
LUNCH BREAK. ahh, what to eat aah? never mind, continue with part 2.
(part 1, already 384 words, so ciong heh, long-winded, but hey this is weBlog right, and this wordpress fleh, fella, more inspiring to write in than my other site http://koodiamond.blogspot.com/)
hello amber
June 24, 2009
wannabe amber-ly and amber the chia
13 June 2009 14:29
“…Eleh. You? Poor? Very funny. Anything la. Ur a dad what. Ur suppose to buy things and spend time with kids.”