Woo hoo at long, long last eggs and frys! TWO pairs!
Can't wait till they are free swimming. Today is Day 4 (I think) - so gotta wait awhile yet.
Fry from the Cone to 13 Weeks - Carol Roberts
Rates of growth can vary by temperature and other factors. I like to use a 29 gallon bare-bottom tank with a sponge filter(mine is a 2.5' tank). My water parameters were as follows: GH 6, pH 7.6, temperature 82° F (mine is GH 4, pH 4.5, temperature 28 C).
Day 1 - Eggs are laid. The fertilized ones turn dark about 24+ hours later and begin hatching about 55 hours later. This may take longer if the temperature is lower.
Day 3 - Wrigglers! Many times the parents will move the wigglers from the cone and hide them elsewhere in the aquarium.
Day 5 - Free-swimming (counted as day born). The fry may take awhile to find the parents and attach.
Day 12 - I begin hatching and feeding Baby Brine Shrimp (BBS) at about one week old. Squirt an eyedropper full of orange BBS right over the fry. Within a few days the babies will actively hunt down the BBS.
Day 18 - By the second week you will see the fry picking at their parents' food. [It's especially funny to watch them try to eat California Black Worms. Even at this young age they will succeed in nipping off bits].
A Discus Testimony
I'm blessed doubly cos on the day i discovered da eggs - the neighbour's renovation worker came over to chk out me discus. He said he owned bigger ones which had spawned several times b4.
He strongly advised me NOT to touch the water - not a drop changed please. BUT i changed anyway - only a little bit tho. Just sucked out some shit.
Continued feeding Tetra Bits. Un-plugged all the Eheim hanging filters!
Got a little bit disappointed when one of the pairs moved the frys - i tot they'd been eaten. Thank God, they'd only been moved. Wheeeww.
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