yay -- recovered BUT wifee has now caught it hee hee
yesterday, thursday also took day off. SLEPT like my pacman frog all day but with eyes shut.He sleeps with eyes open!
stopped taking panadol n the doctor's flu pill - that's why so weak i guess.
another pair! just when i tot they were pairing off they laid eggs! And in the main 4feet one too! Ewww. Had to remove two of them from the main tank to make room for the newly-wed couple.
k back to work. . .
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
eat tHis
yeah -- bit the bullet yesterday. caught the flu. half day off n full day Medical Certificate legally OFF work today.
RM20 to Doctor Guna -- just one pill to take once a day BUT ewww was it bitter. and the bitterness only comes after some hrs. yuk.
18:30 now just ate... more like drank liquid food. One cup Ovaltine. One cup Nestum. One cup water.
Good news - 2 broods of free swimming discus fry doing well n growing rapidly. No pix. Too dark. My dotter hi-jacked my camera oredi. so..
RM20 to Doctor Guna -- just one pill to take once a day BUT ewww was it bitter. and the bitterness only comes after some hrs. yuk.
18:30 now just ate... more like drank liquid food. One cup Ovaltine. One cup Nestum. One cup water.
Good news - 2 broods of free swimming discus fry doing well n growing rapidly. No pix. Too dark. My dotter hi-jacked my camera oredi. so..
Thursday, 19 June 2008
AND how many hours do I work in a year?

The World's Hardest-Working Countries
* 2
Greece and Italy are also near the top, at No.s 2 and 8, respectively, because of their large number of self-employed citizens. Mexico comes in at No. 7 for the same reason, along with the number of people who work in what Marianna calls "informal employment." According to the International Labor Organization, less than half of the world's employed people enjoy the security that comes with a regular salary.
Another reason for the difference is government policies and, in particular, taxation. The OECD found that an increase in marginal tax rates, or the tax owed on every extra dollar or euro earned, can negatively affect the average of hours worked. That effect is felt most typically by women, who are often the second earners in households.
And what of the diversion between Europe and the U.S., which once provoked the head of the OECD's Economic Department, Jorgen Elmeskov to ask if Europeans were "lazy" or Americans "crazy." It seems to be a changing picture.
Europeans used to work longer than their American counterparts in the 1970s, and it was only in the mid-1980s that the U.S. started to exceed them. Though working hours in both regions have eased back since the 1960s, they've fallen much more dramatically in Europe, by 23%, to 1,625 hours, today, compared with the 3% slide in American hours over the same time period. Some of the sharpest falls in working hours have been in Ireland, Portugal, Luxembourg and France, according to the OECD.
As for the opposite extreme, South Korea, things are slowly moving toward the OECD norm after the Korean government introduced a five-day working week in 2004 for schools and companies with over 1,000 employees. But with the culture of hard work so deeply ingrained, change is slow. "A Korean's identity comes from his title at work," says Michael Breen, author of The Koreans, explaining that employees often refer to each other by titles such as "office manager Kim" or "accountant Park," even outside the workplace.
"This is an authoritarian corporate culture," he adds. "It's very bad form to leave the office before the boss does, so people will hang around doing nothing, and then when the boss leaves, they feel free to leave. ... Because of all of that, people don't have much of a life."
Yet amid the current economic downturn, personal spending in developing nations, and rapidly industrializing Asia in particular, is seeing industrious citizens loosen up a bit. The OECD confirmed that South Korea is gradually converging toward its standard practices. "I am personally trying to reduce my working time and I try to reduce my stress," says Lee. "Korea has this kind of bad culture where we always think about the boss’ opinion. But we are changing."
Monday, 16 June 2008
Discus daddy TWICE over!

Woo hoo at long, long last eggs and frys! TWO pairs!
Can't wait till they are free swimming. Today is Day 4 (I think) - so gotta wait awhile yet.
Fry from the Cone to 13 Weeks - Carol Roberts
Rates of growth can vary by temperature and other factors. I like to use a 29 gallon bare-bottom tank with a sponge filter(mine is a 2.5' tank). My water parameters were as follows: GH 6, pH 7.6, temperature 82° F (mine is GH 4, pH 4.5, temperature 28 C).
Day 1 - Eggs are laid. The fertilized ones turn dark about 24+ hours later and begin hatching about 55 hours later. This may take longer if the temperature is lower.
Day 3 - Wrigglers! Many times the parents will move the wigglers from the cone and hide them elsewhere in the aquarium.
Day 5 - Free-swimming (counted as day born). The fry may take awhile to find the parents and attach.
Day 12 - I begin hatching and feeding Baby Brine Shrimp (BBS) at about one week old. Squirt an eyedropper full of orange BBS right over the fry. Within a few days the babies will actively hunt down the BBS.
Day 18 - By the second week you will see the fry picking at their parents' food. [It's especially funny to watch them try to eat California Black Worms. Even at this young age they will succeed in nipping off bits].
A Discus Testimony
I'm blessed doubly cos on the day i discovered da eggs - the neighbour's renovation worker came over to chk out me discus. He said he owned bigger ones which had spawned several times b4.
He strongly advised me NOT to touch the water - not a drop changed please. BUT i changed anyway - only a little bit tho. Just sucked out some shit.
Continued feeding Tetra Bits. Un-plugged all the Eheim hanging filters!
Got a little bit disappointed when one of the pairs moved the frys - i tot they'd been eaten. Thank God, they'd only been moved. Wheeeww.
another dotter, another award

This is my OTHER dotter. She'd just won another award.
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Su Yin Khoo
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She also ignoring me - but has not told me in the face. Ermmm, I guess it's da same thing no?
What ever.
Life is good. And I'm mightily blessed.
Thank you Lord. Amen.
my dotter is ignoring me

Dear All,
What you see here is my lovely dotter. Just like any other millions of self-obsessed 15-yr old teen terror filled with enuff angst to cause a 9.0-Rittter scale earthquake no?
Oh, and she's ignoring me... for now... until she needs money... or some thing... like re-loading her H/P or acquiring a laptop...
What everrr. . . dah biasa lah
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