coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
are you in copywriting field
diamond PUG says:
coolbabe™ says:
diamond PUG says:
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
can you send me your profile please
diamond PUG says:
all depends on the scope of work n payment
coolbabe™ says:
how do you charge
diamond PUG says:
relative --
coolbabe™ says:
i am currently pitching for rebranding to a company
coolbabe™ says:
and i am looking to work with a copywriter who is good and is trustable.
diamond PUG says:
no such word as "trustable"
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
ok ok.
coolbabe™ says:
i made that up
coolbabe™ says:
but u get what i mean right
diamond PUG says:
coolbabe™ says:
diamond PUG says:
difficult to work with some one new
diamond PUG says:
collection u know
diamond PUG says:
now i insist on 50% dwn 1st or else no go
diamond PUG says:
i can send u CV if u like
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
send to:
diamond PUG says:
e mail addy ?
coolbabe™ says:
if you are on, i'll have to sell you as one of my team member for the project
coolbabe™ says:
if you are more comfortable, we can meet up and talk about it.
coolbabe™ says:
and maybe you can let me know how you charge.
coolbabe™ says:
i believe this project will be a long term ones.
diamond PUG says:
diamond PUG says:
CV sent
diamond PUG says:
but yr email invalid!
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
how can it be invalid
coolbabe™ says:
diamond PUG says:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: DNS Error: Domain name not found
coolbabe™ says:
what's your email add
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
not increscoitl
diamond PUG says:
coolbabe™ says:
email sent to you
diamond PUG says:
yep got ya : missing "-" ah
diamond PUG says:
yr hp number? mine is ... 016
coolbabe™ says:
016 23..
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
so fast want me to pay you already
coolbabe™ says:
job is not done yet wei!
coolbabe™ says:
havent even got the job yet.
diamond PUG says:
hee hee
diamond PUG says:
chop chop - it's da advertising world whirl
coolbabe™ says:
be fair abit la
diamond PUG says:
can. . .
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
ok..send already
diamond PUG says:
ok enuf TCSS - when's the deadline? ummm... wait a minute
diamond PUG says:
oreadi sent CV laa
diamond PUG says:
u plan the timing laa, nanti u think i work too fast pulak
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
ok ok
diamond PUG says:
sheeessh, so easy to please
diamond PUG says:
wa ka ka
diamond PUG says:
marc sez u really lang lui worr
coolbabe™ says:
diamond PUG says:
is that u?
coolbabe™ says:
dont listen to him.
coolbabe™ says:
yes it is..
coolbabe™ says:
she's me.
diamond PUG says:
k - i'll judge for meself when i see ya -- chked out yr blog yonks ago - u look hot
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
which blog wei
iamond PUG says:
anyway gtg - work cya babe - stay hot, i mean cool, hot whatever
diamond PUG says:
ok not blog maybe it's yr msn profile? dunno 4got liao
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
alright koo!
coolbabe™ says:
keep in touch!
diamond PUG says:
already gave sms u but no reply - U STAY in touch ha ha
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says:
i replied thru msn!!!!!
coolbabe™ says:
diamond PUG says:
ya kedekut wan - like me - fr Penang
diamond PUG says:
wei really gotta go la - altho so exciting chatting to u –
coolbabe™ says:
ok ok!
coolbabe™ says:
coolbabe™ says: